Integration trip 2023

On September 21-22, we had the pleasure of participating in another integration trip. This time our target was the "Antonińska Resort SPA" hotel in Boszkowo.

Integration trip

  • Have you ever wondered why employee integration is so important?
  • In today's dynamic business environment, a company's success relies not only on individual competencies, but also on the team's ability to collaborate effectively. Striving to improve the effectiveness of our team, each year we devote a few days to spending time together outside the company walls. So it was this time!

This year's integration trip began with an official speech by the Management Board, which summarized the first half of the year and presented plans for the next few months. There were also thanks to the distinguished employees, and the whole thing ended with a speech by Maciej Kawecki, who gave a presentation on artificial intelligence. His knowledge and passion inspired us all to think more deeply about this topic. Czesław Mozil opened the evening entertainment, providing us with a lot of laughter and unforgettable music.

On the second day, we got a little closer to the nature around us, enjoying a relaxing yoga session on the beach, swimming on pedal boats, kayaking and sailing on Lake Dominickie - it was real relief for the body and mind!

Today, we can certainly say that these were two days full of laughter, learning and shared experiences that helped us recharge our batteries and will remain in our memories for a long time!