iManager - develop new possibilities for simple management

Our new proprietary tool allows you to flexibly expand the functionality of the IPROTECT and VDG SENSE systems, depending on your needs, offering consistent and simple management:

  • user access rights,
  • guest and vehicle notification services,
  • working time registration,
  • control of people,
  • vehicle monitoring,
  • access to keys (depository),
  • evacuation process,
  • hotel guests,
  • detection of wanted vehicles.

It is a unified platform designed for users without technical knowledge, enabling intuitive operation and support in everyday work with the IPROTECT and VDG SENSE systems.


iManager offers modules such as:


Management and administration of permissions IM-ACCESS

The basic and most extensive module, which was created to simplify as much as possible the process of adding, modifying and administering people and their rights.




Notification of guests IM-VISITOR

It allows you to make notifications in a few simple steps, not only for a single person, but also for large groups, which simplifies the process of handling them at the reception or security desk.




SMS and e-mail notifications for users IM-SMS

The module enables sending notifications via SMS or e-mail, and thanks to the use of a physical SMS gateway, the systems can operate without Internet access, which is crucial in the case of e.g. critical infrastructure or military facilities.




Management and monitoring of the evacuation process IM-EVACUATION

It ensures quick verification of the number and data of people in individual zones covered by the evacuation process, as well as real-time monitoring of the number and data of people who are in safe zones.




Managing the key depository IM-DEPOSIT

Supporting reception or security positions in managing the issuance and supervision of the circulation of physical keys can be implemented in many ways. One of the simplest and most cost-effective is the use of Mifare/DESFire identifiers with iManager software.




Wanted vehicles notification IM-CAR-ALLERT

It supports the operator or group of operators by automatic SMS/e-mail notification about the detection of the vehicle you are looking for, even when there is no access to the system.


Trucks and drivers notification IM-TIR

For many organizations, ensuring safety begins at the stage of reporting and verifying vehicles and their drivers entering the facility. Therefore, it is crucial to have an efficient tool.


Flexible working time reporting IM-RCP

Having the IPROTECT access control system not only increases the security of the facility, but also allows you to use any KD reader to perform the work time registration function.




Hotel guest management IM-HOTEL

It simplifies and speeds up the booking process and helps manage the rights of hotel guests during their stay.




Do you want to adapt the modules to your own needs?

Write to us!



Automatic reception

is the basic hardware element of the "automatic reception" system, which, in combination with the iManager notification module, allows guests to quickly and intuitively confirm their arrival and download an access card with individually configured access rights.


The most important features:

  • Automatic issuance and collection of access cards to guests.

  • Touch screen to confirm notification and accept the facility's health and safety regulations and rules.

  • Can be used as a working time registration terminal for employees.

  • Controlling the opening of turnstiles or doors.

  • Possibility to make a video call to staff or security via the built-in SIP intercom.

  • A wide-angle video camera enabling full video recording of guests taking the card and entering the facility.