Modern support for saving lives - AED defibrillator at C&C Partners

As part of our ability to take advantage of PZU preventive measures, a decision was made to purchase an AED defibrillator, which can save lives in emergency situations, such as cardiac arrest.

Modern support for saving lives

Why is an AED so important?

Less than 1 in 10 people survive a sudden cardiac arrest, but a quick response - including resuscitation - can increase the chances of survival 2-3 times. An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is a device that anyone can use, even without training. Thanks to visual and voice instructions, the AED guides the user through the entire life-saving process.

Safe and easy to use!

An AED is completely safe for both rescuers and rescued people. The device adjusts the appropriate dose of energy and gives clear instructions to help bystanders take effective rescue actions.

Every second counts!

Only one in five cases is resuscitation attempted, and according to the European Resuscitation Council, increasing this number could save as many as 100,000 people a year in Europe alone. An AED in our office increases the chances of immediate response in emergencies.

We hope we never need to use the equipment, but we’re glad we’re better prepared for any unforeseen situations!