The second edition of the C&C Partners Leszno Half Marathon is behind us

Last weekend for many of us was full of sports emotions! Nearly 300 participants, including the C&C Partners team, stood at the start of this exceptional event.

C&C Partners Half Marathon Leszno

On Saturday, the second edition of the C&C Partners Half Marathon Leszno took place, of which we were the title sponsor.

Nearly 300 participants, including 7 representatives from our company, stood at the start of this unique event. The runners set off at 9:00 from Primary School No. 4 in Zaborów and had to run 21 kilometers.

We are proud to co-create the Leszno Sports Festival, which also includes the extreme TorTura race. This year, the race took place on Sunday, gathering almost 1,500 participants.

Congratulations to all participants of both events - you showed incredible strength, determination and passion!

See you next year!