According to the PSP statistics, fire department interventions were exceptionally frequent in 2023. Last year, firefighters intervened 486,000 times, including 99,288 fires, 339,998 local hazards, and 46,877 false alarms. Compared to the previous year, the number of false alarms increased by 1,666 incidents.

A large portion of false alarms is generated in public utility buildings equipped with fire alarm systems. Reasons for triggering the alarm and putting firefighters on alert can include a cigarette in the restroom, accidental pressing of the manual fire alarm, excessive smoke in the kitchen, etc. Despite such trivial situations not requiring intervention, firefighters must respond to the location.

How to prevent false alarms? 

The issue of safety should be considered by every investor and owner of facilities such as production plants, industrial sites, stations, warehouses, or logistics centers. Secured facilities, due to their varying specifics, require the selection of appropriate fire protection devices. Regardless of the type of fire protection selected from different manufacturers, the effectiveness of the system, and thus a higher level of fire safety, is ensured by integrating and managing all fire protection systems using the CC WINGUARD integrator. The mentioned integrator meets the applicable guidelines and standards, as confirmed by certificates issued by CNBOP-PIB.


Is integration limited only to fire protection systems?

CC WINGUARD, in addition to integrating fire protection systems, manages other security devices and systems from various manufacturers, allowing control of all fire alarm systems, even those with a distributed architecture, via a unified operator interface within a unified hardware-software platform.

Visualization and control of fire protection systems using a certified integrator contribute to the improvement of facility safety and enable operation even in the event of a primary power loss. Confirming or canceling fire alarms, controlling fire dampers, changing fire scenarios at the direction of the evacuation action commander are just some of the actions that can be quickly and efficiently carried out from the operator station.

Can individual safety procedures be defined?

Yes, they can.
A fundamental element of the CC WINGUARD integrator is the WinGuard PSIM+ platform, which manages fire events detected by fire protection systems from any manufacturer from the operator’s console. In the event of a fire threat, the person in charge of the rescue operation can take appropriate steps according to the safety procedures defined for the entire protected facility using the integrator.

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C&C Partners

Material created in cooperation with experts from the C&C Academy of Technology. Our experts from the C&C Technology Academy are experienced professionals who on a daily basis provide knowledge and skills in the field of the latest technologies. They have extensive professional and academic experience in the fields of telecommunications, ICT and security systems. They are the authors of numerous training courses, workshops and seminars that help participants understand complex technical issues and use them in practice.